Workshop equipment
Tormach 770 4 axis CNC milling machine
Centre lathe 145mm centre height, 750mm between centres
Pillar drill
MIG welding up to 150 Amp
TIG welding AC/DC up to 160 Amp
Oxygen/propane cutting and brazing torch
10 tonne hydraulic press
Electrical induction heater
Parts washer
Ultrasonic cleaner
Comprehensive bearing pulling equipment
3D printer
Digital recording oscilloscope c/w AC/DC clamp meter
Electrical and electronic test equipment
3D CAD/CAM software Fusion 360
IR video camera
Debubbling system supplied to tier one design and build contractor to remove air from fine bubbled diffused air outlet sample stream.
HV protection relay tester, end user UK water company.
Vintage motor bike engine piston welding repair and machining.
Machining 100No. tie rods for local car lift manufacturing company.
A few examples of the CNC milling capabilities, the Tormach is a 4 axis CNC milling machine able to machine anything from plastic to Stainless Steel.
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